peti sayur peti air peti air yang dapat disarangkan


Model Produk

peti air

Dimensi Eksternal

600X390X80 mm
23.62X15.35X3.15 di

Dimensi Internal

550X364X70 mm
21.65X14.33X2.76 di

Tinggi Terlipat

0 mm
0 di

Berat Beban Statis


Berat Beban Dinamis



0.88 kg
1.94 lbs


14 Liter
3.7 Kami galon

Anda mungkin juga tertarik dengan collapsible plastic boxes,storage bins

SKU: 148e7ea857a4 Kategori: Tags: , ,


nestable vegetable crate are available in multiple sizes and styles for picking, processing and shipping small fruits and vegetables like strawberries or asparagus.

Fitur dan Manfaat

  • Manufactured of FDA compliant materials
  • Withstands exposure to sunlight and cooling processes; resists impact and moisture; will not splinter, rot or absorb odors
  • Interior yang mudah dibersihkan
  • Stack when loaded, nest when empty for space efficiency
  • Ventilated designs for quick cooling, temperature control and drainage
  • Use with temperatures of -20˚ to 120˚ F
  • Tersedia opsi penyesuaian dan identifikasi
  • Didukung oleh garansi terbatas satu tahun
  • 100% recyclable HDPE